National Agency for Quality Assurance in Professional Education (ANACIP) at the request of the Government of Republic of Moldova and the Ministry of Education announces the launch, on a priority basis, of the procedure of external quality evaluation of study programs for accreditation in the field of educational sciences. This request appeared in the context of the problems raised by the representatives of specialized local offices from the educational domain and refers to: the quality of initial formation of teaching staff, the quality and limited access to innovative programs of continuous training, as well as the deepening of the crisis in terms of providing teaching staff to general education institutions in the rural areas and the necessity to align to the provisions of the Education Code concerning the minimum qualification of teachers.

The request of Ministry of Education aims the evaluation of Bachelor study programs in the field of Educational Sciences, during 2016, organized by the following higher education institutions:

1.    Moldova State University

2.    “Ion Creangă”  Pedagogical State University

3.    National Institute of Physical Education and Sport

4.    State University of Tiraspol

5.    “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu”  State University of  Cahul

6.    “Alecu Russo” State University of Bălţi

7.    Taraclia State University

8.    Comrat State University

The external evaluation for accreditation of higher education master's programs of the same field is planned to be organized during 2017.

In order to better inform the representatives of the eight higher education institutions, whose Bachelor programs will be evaluated for accreditation, in the period 21 to 23 September 2016, ANACIP organized information sessions on the process of external evaluation of quality of study programs and the applied accreditation standards.

Here is the schedule of the activities regarding the external quality evaluation of Bachelor study programs in the field of Educational Sciences




Submission of the application request for external evaluation of study program(s), self-evaluation file in printed version and in electronic form and the application fee.

24-25 October 2016


The analysis of self-evaluation report, evaluation visits to educational institutions and elaboration of the external evaluation report.

26 October - 25 November 2016

Examination of the results of external evaluations and of possible contestations/. Approval by the Governing Board of ANACIP of decisions regarding the accreditation of study programs.

28 November - 05 December 2016

 We note that the fee for external evaluation of all study programs will be covered from the state budget, and the application fee will be calculated according to the "Regulation for calculation of tariffs for rendered services in the external evaluation of the quality of vocational education and training, higher education and lifelong learning study programs and institutions” and will be paid by the applicant.

Both the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Ministry of Education consider that providing quality of studies is largely determined by the quality of human resources in education and considerable efforts are needed in order to consolidate the national system of teacher training, and external quality evaluation will contribute to the efficiency of public investment in developing this system. However, ANACIP, within its functional competencies, will provide the necessary effort to ensure an equitable process of quality evaluation of study programs in the field of vocational training "Education Sciences".